Hello! I'm a Master's Candidate in Data Science at Tufts University. My journey on AI spans from the theoretical realms of statistical learning theory to practical applications across diverse fields such as science, natural language processing, imaging, genetics, biology, and medicine. I'm deeply invested in exploring how big data, AI, algorithms, and systems can shape and influence our society. My interests lie in the foundations and practical applications of statistically-based algorithms, which are pivotal in creating robust data-centric models, making accurate predictions, and facilitating informed decisions. Furthermore, I am committed to understanding the mathematical foundations that underpin information theory, machine learning, algorithms, and systems.
In April 2023, I started working as a researcher at the Levin Lab at the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts under the guidance of Dr. Hananel Hazan. Here, I am expanding my expertise through advanced projects involving spiking neural networks (SNN) for BindsNET, and large language models (LLMs) such as Falcon, LLaMA, MPT, Vicuna, Guanuco, and various open-source GPT models. My focus in these projects is on the fine-tuning of these models for exploratory analysis in genetics and biology papers, a challenging yet exciting venture.
My background in software development forms a strong foundation for my current pursuits. I have expert-level proficiency in Web and Mobile Development, with a particular focus on technologies like React, React Native, JavaScript, and TypeScript. Additionally, my back-end skills are well-established, with significant experience in Symfony, PHP, MySQL, and MongoDB, particularly in the AWS cloud environment.
My goal is to seamlessly integrate my software development skills with my machine learning knowledge to create impactful, data-driven solutions. I am a firm believer in the open-source, research-based progression towards understanding and developing Advanced General Intelligence (AGI) systems. I am committed to ensuring that these systems are reliable, responsible, and align with human and cultural values. My ambition is to apply cutting-edge AI techniques to address real-world problems, making a meaningful difference through technology.
For any further inquiries or collaborative opportunities, the best way to reach out to me is via LinkedIn. I'm always open to engaging in meaningful conversations and exploring new possibilities in the field of data science and AI.
If you're passionate about philosophy, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, and enjoy exploring topics like free will, consciousness, agency, intelligence, complex systems, cognition, or active inference, I'd love to connect and discuss these fascinating subjects. Please reach out to me via LinkedIn, as it's the best way to start an engaging conversation and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals.
Researcher Assistant on Levin Lab
April 2023 - December 2023
  • Contributed to the BindsNET project, a Python package for simulating spiking neural networks (SNNs) on CPUs/GPUs using PyTorch, by focusing on the integration of surrogate learning methods to advance biologically inspired machine learning algorithms.
  • Lead exploratory analysis using PEFT, QLoRa, LoRA, fine-tuning, vector databases with in-context-learning on biology and genetics research papers using open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) such as LLaMA, Vicuna, Falcon series to uncover their capabilities.
Full-Stack Engineer CorePHP/dspworkplace
September 2019 - June 2022
  • Orchestrated the development of the "dspworkplace.com" mobile application, enabling real-time chat and push notifications using React Native, Twilio, and Plivo SDKs, and successfully scaled to support an active user base of 1,000-5,000 on iOS and Android platforms.
  • Spearheaded the collective development and launch of the "dspworkplace.com" web app, focusing on the integration of scheduling events, mobile workflow design, and chatbot functionality to facilitate efficient user interactions.
  • Delivered expert full-stack development and RESTful API consultancy, addressing intricate technical challenges and propelling project objectives for diverse clients, with a toolkit comprising Symfony, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, React, .NET, and MySQL/MongoDB, along with AWS for enhanced cloud storage and database optimization.
Teaching Assistant/Grader for R Programming for Data Science
Jan 2018 & 2019 - April 2018 & 2019
  • Assisted professor in the development of evaluations and multiple learning methods.
  • Communicated effectively to students to accelerate their learning process.
Teaching Assistant/Grader for Storage, Retrieval & Processing Big Data
September - December 2018
  • Assisted professor in Hadoop and hardware and software storage.
Teaching Assistant/Grader for Big Data, Cloud & loT
June - August 2018
  • Graded and provided feedback for assignments for Google Cloud Services and AWS.
Teaching Assistant/Grader for Database Management Systems
June - August 2018
  • Graded and provided feedback for assignments for MySQL databases.
Intramural Official
October 2017 - April 2019
  • Referee for soccer and volleyball.
  • Teamwork and coordination with my partner referee to maintain sportsmanship.
  • Communicated effectively with players about sport rules and policies.
  • React
  • React Native
  • Symfony
  • Python
  • JS/TS
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • REST
  • GraphQL
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Keras
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • LLM
  • HuggingFace
  • ML
  • Ruby
  • C/C++
Tufts University - Medford, MA
MS Data Science
September 2022 - May 2024
Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo, MI
BS - Computer Science
September 2015 - April 2019